Who we are

LEAD Italia is a non political, non religious, non profit organization that invests in youths and motivates them to engage in a personal development programme to discover and show their unique leader identity.


Our society is experiencing a leadership crisis. The old models are not effective anymore. We blame today’s leaders for everything that is happening and we stay still, waiting for someone to solve all the issues.


We ignore that we are the people we are waiting for, and that the change we wish to see in society is within our hands. There are young people with the potential to be the new generation of leaders.


Our Vision is asociety in which youths are aware of their own potential as leaders, are active citizens and lead the community towards a positive change through creativity, entrepreneurship and spirit of service.

Our history

March 2013

First meeting with LEAD in Israel

August 2013

The dream of bringing LEAD to Italy was born.

September 2016

M.Elettra, Mario e Giorgio are involved in the organisation of the Rotary programme “RYLA Junior”. The participants’ enthusiasm leads to build a new leadership development programme based on LEAD model.<br />

October 2016

The first leadership development programme is launched in Treviso with 25 participants.

May 2017

LEAD Italia is officially an Association.

September 2017

LEAD Italia launches its second year activity with 29 new participants.

October 2017

Sara, first year ambassador, implements LEAD Italia’s first project.

July 2018

LEAD Italia Alumni travel to Israel to meet LEAD

We design and implement programs to develop the next generation of leaders. We help talented young people identify and develop their own identity as leaders and their potential and we encourage them to positively change society.

LEAD Italia was inspired by LEAD, an Israeli organization that has been operating since almost 20 years, identifying young people with different socio-economic and cultural backgrounds, with high potential to lead,helping them develop their identity as leaders with the aim of building a new generation of leaders, one that serves society, takes responsibility for today’s challenges and that makes the difference in the community.