11 Apr Extraordinary ideas at extraordinary times
Extraordinary situations require extraordinary ideas but, when we say extra-ordinary, we don’t necessarily mean something big, revolutionary, innovative, but we simply refer to the mood of those who deal with a sudden change in the everyday-life and who choose to get involved, reinvent themselves, in spite of everything. This is the reason why, before the Coronavirus emergency started spreading all other the world, Rachele, Giulia, Sveva and Filippo decided to make a video to warn their peers about the health and social tsunami that was about to hit them. A 5 minutes video, a peer-to-peer talk. The main goal was to anticipate the hygiene advices that the local governments would have issued later on. The results of this initiative were satisfying: the video was initially issued on Instagram by ViralVeneto, then on the official profile of the regional governor, Zaia, and lastly on the regional TV news. As regard to Youtube stats, they have proved a high international spread of the video. But what is more relevant about this project, in other words what the four of us have taken home, are not the stats or our pictures on the TV news, but the emotions of having being involved. As a matter of fact, this short video is the first project actually implemented by LEAD Class 2019. It was a privilege to be the first ones to experience the hybrid emotions of joy and distress, the enthusiasm and the worries that accompany the development of a project. An absolutely true thing is that, where one strives to accomplish something, there you find a deep part of oneself. It is not an hazard to say that a successful project is like a child: it is generated by you, once it starts it grows autonomously and is able to teach you a lot.
Filippo Pagotto